★ basic info:smiley/ marshall/ more...
born in april 2003
italian (sorry)

i am a creature who breathes and lives and totally feels human
i want to surround myself with art and get in touch with what i really am and how i really feel

★ the thing i do the most in my time is drawing and reflect, i have my own world with characters who i'm really attached to★ i find it hard to concentrate due to the instability of my mental state★ the main thing i use my creations for is to understand myself and the world i live in better★ i try to be optimistic

some things about this entity

^^^ continue ^^^

★ i am not the most social person on earth, i struggle with trust and find it hard to open up if i dont feel safe
regardless of that i am happy to meet new people x3
★ be patient with me please★ i can speak italian and english ( i try my best)★ i ask you not to be disrespectful of what i create or steal any of my artworks...

★ my cats :3★ the sun and nature, my favourite season is summer, i love warm weather and how everything is so alive during this season, being touched by lights warms my soul and also makes me feel like a lizard hehe★ vivid colors! green and orange r nice★ things that glow in the dark...waw★ compassion and kindness

wow! things i like a lot!

^^^ continue ^^^

★ the star shape :D★ experimental/ surreal/ avant garde music movies and videogames...weird stuff!★ music! exploring and expanding my knowledge about it★ i really really like spamton an insane amount★ old web, cowboys, videogames, monsters and more... i honestly cant think about anything else at the moment > _ <

★ fallout new vegas★ skyrim and generally the elder scrolls universe★ undertale/ deltarune★ postal★ monster hunter (4/ generations)★ breaking bad/ better call saul★ zoolander★ the hangover trilogy★ american psycho★ megamind★ smiling friends★ xavier: renegade angel★ the sopranos★ austin powers

more specific...

^^^ continue ^^^

★ mike patton!!!!!!!!! every project he has ever worked to★ mr bungle★ faith no more★ oingo boingo★ korn★ carnival in coal★ that handsome devil★ jamiroquai★ primus★ rammstein★ the garden★ the alter boys★ klaus nomi★ lapfox★ aphex twin★ insane clown posse★ many more!!!!

★ you glorify self harm, abuse, "dark humor" and are obsessed with real gore, dont even think of approaching me.★ deviant art degenerates★ into ddlg★ twitter/ tiktok people★ uncritical★ genshin players★ fujoshis, weaboos★ bronies, you know which kind.★ furries are on thin ice

don't talk to me if...

^^^ continue ^^^

if you're under 16 don't interact with me thanksgenerally if you're just someone who wants to make others miserable dont talk to me, i will block you on sight, i am tired of you people.same goes for people that just dont click with me or that make me paranoidpeople that use jokes as excuses to be mean and ignorant fuck off you're annoying

you can go for now...i dont know what else i could say about me at the moment, thank you 4 reading

i will probably update this carrd from time to time

^^^ go away! ^^^